Navigating one’s way through everyday life is akin to riding a rollercoaster: We ‘ooh’ and ‘ah’ through all the twists and turns, laughing loudly along the way. Out of nowhere there is a reality check waiting for passengers at ride’s end—the inevitable big drop! Laughs turn to screams; we hold on for dear life and hope the safety equipment is in proper working order. The coaster stops, we touch ground safely, and move on with our lives. In a nutshell, life is the ultimate roller coaster filled with loads of twists and turns, coupled with its highs and lows. We are all moved through life by emotions that, at times, dictate how we live. However, it isn’t healthy to live on emotions alone. Sometimes we have to use common sense and take a step back to get a better view of what lies ahead. When we learn to control our emotions, the better equipped we become to handle what falls our way. Joy & Pain/Life Happens is a compilation of my personal views on how to deal with life’s ups and downs. I hope you, the reader, find it enjoyable, interesting, and insightful.