PAUL ALLEN Development Director, Centre for Alternative Technology, Wales, UK ANDREW BLOWERS OBE Previously Professor of Social Sciences (Planning), Department of Geography, Open University, UK and currently Visiting Research Professor, Open University and member of the Government Advisory Committee on Radioactive Waste Management (CoRWM) GEOFFREY BOYLE Senior Lecturer, Department of Design and Innovation, Open University, UK and Director of the energy and Environment Research Unit, Open University, UK GREGG BUTLER Professor of Science in Sustainable Development, University of Manchester, UK and Consultant with Integrated Decision Management Ltd, Preston, UK DAVID ELLIOTT Professor of Technology Policy, Open University, UK and Co-Director of the Energy and Environment Research Unit, Open University, UK IAN FAIRLIE Independent Consultant on radioactivity in the environment ANTHONY FROGGATT Independent researcher and freelance writer in energy policy HORACE HERRING Visiting Research Fellow, Energy and Environment Research Unit, Open University, UK STEPHEN KIDD Director of Strategy and Research, World Nuclear Association, London, UK DAVE LOWRY Visiting Research Fellow, Energy and Environment Research Unit, Open University, UK GRACE McGLYNN Works for Integrated Decision Management Ltd, Preston, UK CATHERINE MITCHELL Principal Research Fellow, Centre for Management Under Regulation, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK WILLIAM J. NUTTALL Senior Lecturer in Technology Policy, Judge Business School, Cambridge University, UK JONATHAN SCURLOCK Visiting Research Fellow, Energy and Environment Research Unit, Open University, UK and works for North East Community Forests BRIDGET WOODMAN UKERC Research Fellow, Centre for Management Under Regulation, Warwick Business School, University of Warwick, UK