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character Peter Pan, especially after having read the Lost Boy by Christina Henry, where it shed some light on the story behind the none villain Captain Hook. Then Secondly because this is a middle grade book and therefore really wasn't sure what I was going to, as I have not read one in a very long time, so between the reasons mentioned, I had mixed feelings but was more than willing to give this book a go, and i am rather glad that i did. My knowledge of the peter pan story runs between the Disney version, Christina Henrys version, Once Upon a times version, Hook with robin williams and a really old VHS version that depicted pan as a female, and it really wasn't until i can across the darker versions of there stories and having become a parent that the idea of peter pan really did not sit overly well with me. Someone who comes into your home and takes your children away with no guarantees of them ever returning really does not sit well with me, but again going on the more positive side of things I am happy i gave this book a try. In a very similar fashion to the Disney version of the this story, the book starts off much as you would expect, with the Mr. and Mrs. Darling getting ready to go out, while their children were getting ready to turn in for the night, though there is more to the story with Wendy, John and Michael, and without giving away to many spoilers, there is a 4th child involved and John is to old for Neverland, making him the oldest, not Wendy. I liked this story because it shed a new light on the character peter pan himself and the island neverland, it actually gave a little bit of background a history to the island that I had never read before, and for those of you who have followed and listened to some of my book reviews in the past, you know that I enjoy a good back story and history to something. I found myself conflicted between not liking peter pan as a character while feeling sorry for the person he has become, due to him being a victim himself, small spoiler alert, he himself was stolen as a baby away from his parents and brought to neverland. To be fair though, if you have seen the movie Hook, you already know that, and by the same character in the movie as well, It was Belle or Tinker Belle that stole pan when he was an enfant, because fairies are drawn to young children and wanted a friend. Which in truth is how pan ended up the way that he is. So while i really did not like what he had turned into, he was not completely at fault, though at some point you do have to grow up and face the music as they say. I found that there really was more to the story in this one and it really helped keep me engaged with the story as I found myself wanting to know more and for me the best part was the found a nice gentle way of concluding the entire story, pan included. i found myself enjoying this one, between the history, the new characters and everything as a whole, and therefore would give this one a 4 out of 5 stars.
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