St├йphane Betbeder (born in Pau in 1971) studied at the school of fine arts in Angoul├кme. Although he's always been a fan of comic books, he specialized in modern art, photography and video. After a "long and breathless immersion the world of modern art" (his own words), and a series of small jobs on the side, he at last got his big break when Christophe Bec offered him the script of "H├┤tel Particulier" (Soleil, 2000), and the first draft of "Anna" (La Bo├оte ├а Bulles, 2004). Thus St├йphane found a way to combine his passion for writing and images. He continued down this road with the vampire-fantasy series "Alister Kayne, chasseur de fant├┤mes" (Albin Michel, 2005) in collaboration with Eric Heninnot. Still with publisher Albin Michel, he approached Jean-Fran├зois Solomon to do the artwork to his script for "Le Journal d'Abercrombie Smith" (2007), inspired by two short stories by Sir Conan Doyle, "The Parasite" and "Lot No. 249." The same year he also collaborated with Riccardo Crosa on "Sanctuaire Reminded" (Les Humano├пdes Associ├йs, 2007), a remake of Christophe Bec's and Xavier Dorison's "Sanctuaire." Following that came his collaboration with Christophe Bec on the "Bunker" series, published by Dupuis between 2007 and 2012 (Europe Comics 2017).
Djief (his real name is Jean-Fran├зois Bergeron) is a comics author born in Qu├йbec in 1971. After studies in graphic design, and after working in infographics and video game design, he turned to comics in the early 2000s, working with the writer Alcante on short stories for Spirou magazine. Later, with Nicolas Jarry, he published the series "Le Cr├йpuscule des dieux" for Soleil, and then a two-part science-fiction work entitled "White Crows" followed by another two-part series taking place in New York during the 1920s, called "Broadway : Une rue en Am├йrique." After a trilogy based on the universe of "Dangerous Liaisons" (script by St├йphane Betbeder), published by Gl├йnat, he is currently working on the new series "Cr├йatures," also with Betbeder, the first volume of which was published in 2021 by Dupuis (and in English also in 2021, by Europe Comics).