Mullins presents realistic, thorough, and up-to-date coverage of every DBA task, including creating database environments, data modeling, normalization, design, performance, data integrity, compliance, governance, security, backup/recovery, disaster planning, data and storage management, data movement/distribution, data warehousing, connectivity, metadata, tools, and more.
This edition adds new coverage of “Big Data,” database appliances, cloud computing, and NoSQL. Mullins includes an entirely new chapter on the DBA’s role in regulatory compliance, with substantial new material on data breaches, auditing, encryption, retention, and metadata management. You’ll also find an all-new glossary, plus up-to-the-minute DBA rules of thumb.
Craig S. Mullins is president and principal consultant of Mullins Consulting, a leading data and database management consultancy. Mullins has more than thirty years of experience in all facets of database administration and development, in industries ranging from manufacturing and finance to education and research. He covered database administration as research director for Gartner Group and authored DB2 Developer’s Guide, Sixth Edition, the number-one guide to DB2 for z/OS. Mullins publishes The Database Site ( and presents at industry events worldwide. IBM named him Information Management Champion for his work in the DB2 community.