Dr Zi-Kui Liu is a professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. He has been the Editor-in-Chief of the journal CALPHAD since 2001 and the President of CALPHAD, Inc. since 2013. Dr Liu is a Fellow and a member of the Board of Trustees of ASM International and was a member of the TMS Board of Directors. His awards include the ASM J. Willard Gibbs Phase Equilibria Award, the TMS Brimacombe Medalist Award, the ACers Spriggs Phase Equilibria Award, the Wilson Award for Excellence in Research from Pennsylvania State University, the Chang Jiang Chair Professorship from the Chinese Ministry of Education, and the Lee Hsun Lecture Award from the Institute of Metal Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences.
Dr Yi Wang is a Senior Research Associate of Materials Science and Engineering at Pennsylvania State University. He works on method development and computerized simulation of materials properties, using knowledge from a range of disciplines, including condensed matter theory, quantum chemistry, thermodynamics, elastic/plastic mechanics, molecular dynamics, and all first-principles calculation-related subjects.