The book consists of a collection of essays by some of the best known scientists in the field, covering diverse aspects of applications of optimal control and dynamic games to problems in Finance, Management Science, Economics, and Operations Research. In doing so, it provides both a state-of-the-art overview over recent developments in the field, and a reference work covering the wide variety of contemporary questions that can be addressed with optimal control tools, and demonstrates the fruitfulness of the methodology.
Prof. Christophe Deissenberg
Université de la Méditerranée
Château La Farge
Route des Milles
13290 Les Milles
Specialisted in economic dynamics, computational economics, decision-making, economic complexity, environmental economics
Prof. Richard Hartl
Chair of Production and Operations Management
BWZ, Institute of Management
University of Vienna
Bruennerstraße 72
A-1210 Vienna
Specialized in quantitative methods in production and operations management, dynamics of the firm, optimal control, operations research (OR) methods and applications