Vermont is bigger than it looks. This may be one of the country’s smallest states but the more you drive here, the more beauty you uncover. While drives do include popular resort towns, the focus is on getting away from tourist hubs. This brand- new first edition suggests drives through covered bridges to high roads with unexpected vistas, to waterfalls and swimming holes, to crafts studios and farms selling their own eggs or cheese or even prize- winning beer.
See the Green Mountains with peaks rising more than 4,000 feet in places, or take in the orchard- patched hillsides and riverbanks spread along the floor of the Lake Champlain Valley. With clear, curated, field- tested navigation, easy- to- read maps, beautiful photography, and recommendations for lodging, dining, and more, this guide will help you make the most of every mile of your journey in Vermont.
Christina Tree launched the Explorer’s Guide series more than 30 years ago. She is a regular contributor to Yankee Magazine and has been honored by the Maine Publicity Bureau and the New England Innkeepers Association. Tree travels thousands of miles every year doing research to revise her books. She lives in Cambridge, MA.
Pat Goudey O'Brien is a freelance writer and publisher of the Tamara Press.
Lisa Halvorsen is a travel and nature author based in Burlington, VT.