By reading Chinese classic tales and short stories with English paragraph by paragraph translation and Chinese Pinyin reading aid, you will get a much more practical and fun to do approach. The content of this book is based on Chinese for beginners and includes Chinese characters, Chinese reading aid, and English parallel text in blocks. This Chinese book includes not only classic Chinese tales, (China books historical fiction) but also captivating stories that can be enjoyed by Chinese literature enthusiasts and Chinese for beginners students.
1 The quail and the bird rock
2 The ointment
3 Beauty is inimitable.
4 The frog
5 Too many ways.
6 The king and his bow
7 Why the wine got sour
8 A painter for the king.
9 Water snakes on land.
10 The proud coachman.
11 The population doesn’t grow..
12 In the shadow of the great
13 The rumor
14 The clever old woman. (China room)
15 The cicade, the leafhopper and the oriole
16 The soldier's uniform
17 A mirror image.
18 The kings generosity.
19 Why he was the prettier one.
20 The suspicion
This is an outstanding and practical "Chinese for foreigner book" that will be your personal Chinese stories book just to enjoy and to deepen your understanding of Chinese culture.