This book will help you:
· Face the truth about self
· Identify the root of the problem;
· Address it by renewing the mind through the Word of God, prayer, worship and meditation and confession of all Renewed Mind Reminders
· Cleansing of heart issues
· Seek healing and deliverance from abusive attitudes, people and situations.
RENEWED MIND addresses the following subject areas: your identity, the mind, self-worth/self-esteem, applications & strategies to love you by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT, the heart, healing & deliverance, making wise choices and knowing what to do when spiritual warfare is in your midst. This book is based upon Charmaine’s own personal testimony. The Lord Jesus Jesus changed her heart and negative thought patterns by His Word, prayer, worship & praise, fasting, along with practical personal renewed mind reminders.
After reading this book, you shall be free to apply and fly firmly in what God has for your life, but first, you must be renewed in the spirit of your mind. (Eph 4:23)