Lej is five years old. There are a lot of great things about being five: your siblings can’t call you a toddler anymore, you’re taller than you were before, and you even get to throw a big party in celebration of your birthday!
There are some not-so-great things about being five, too. Like kindergarten. Kindergarten is at the big kid school that Lej’s brother and sister go to, and they always have homework and aren’t allowed to play outside whenever they want to, like you can in preschool. Lucky for Lej, his friends Pete and Abe are going to kindergarten, too. But when Lej arrives, he doesn’t always listen to the adults in charge. Instead, he runs around his classroom and does things he knows he shouldn’t do, just because Pete and Abe tell him to.
One day, Lej’s bad behavior catches up with him, as he overhears his mom talking to someone on the phone. Did she just say, “Naughty Boys Camp?!” Then suddenly, as if by magic, the picture Lej is drawing comes to life, sucking him into Naughty Boys Camp. Is it really as bad as they say it is there? Do the boys really have to eat broccoli for breakfast and scoop poop on the farm? Please say this is all just a dream!
Follow Lej as he learns the hard way that listening to the adults in charge maybe isn’t so bad after all, and that true friends are the people who help you to be the best person you can be!