Kirby Caldwell
Of all of the books I've read about my beloved Marine Corps this is definitely THE TOP ONE on my list. Although I was just a baby in diapers when this war was happening; when I joined the United States Marine Corps at 22 it was my D.I. that brought and focused my attention on this Marine and alot of the awesome feats he'd went through. Little did I realize that it was this brave brother who is the GRANDFATHER of sniper training and made sniper training what it is today. GOD BLESS GUNNY HATHCOCK AND SEMPER FI!!
Glenn Jernigan
Carlos Hathcock would have to be considered as the Marines Marine!!! I couldn't help but smile when he said he was standing on My Dong. He may have been a smallish man at a buck fifty but he lived exceptionally large. I can honestly say that I don't know a single person that could have lived his life. This was a man that should have been awarded the Medal of Honor but turned medals down because he was just doing what anyone else would have done. I don't know another person deceased, or alive, that could have, or would have, done what he did. He had a great love for country, Corps and his fellow Marines. I believe with all my heart that John Wayne would have had to look up to Carlos Hathcock. As John Wayne was merely an actor and Staff Sergeant Hathcock was the real deal.
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Aaron Yaniga
While reading through the book you feel like you are sitting down cross-legged listening to the stories of valor, experiencing them first hand. The most emotional part of the book is after he is released from the Marine Corps, reading the struggle that went on inside of him. It is an amazing book and a great read!
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