During the London season, Augusta has her eyes set on a potential match she hopes will appease her stern grandfather. There is one problem: Lord Blair MacDonald is determined to thwart her attempt to capture his friend’s heart. Nor does he hesitate to make it clear what he thinks of the scandalous rumors surrounding her birth.
Blair has his own issues. His eldest brother refuses to marry and his other brother lies gravely injured from a war wound. His father declares Blair must carry on the family title and, to help matters along, has chosen a bride: Augusta Eastleigh.
Neither Augusta nor Blair welcome this arrangement. With the heads of their respective families united in their decision, they must navigate uncharted waters together. Will their shared fate lead them down a path of unhappiness? Or will they discover a love which defies all odds?
A slow burn/enemies to lovers romance set in Regency London.
As a child, Caro Kinkead was told Dr. Seuss' job was "writing books," and decided that was her goal when she grew up - along with being a ballerina and an archeologist and about a dozen other things. A fear of snakes signaled the end of her ambition to find the next Tutankamun's tomb, the dancing (and acting) didn't quite pan out, but the love of writing remained, allowing her to enjoy those varied careers and more in her imagination.
Born and raised in Houston, TX, Caro grew up in a family of readers, where she developed a love of science fiction and fantasy thanks to her father, and old movies and the art of costuming from her mother. These days, she and her husband share a home in the Los Angeles area with their cats, a sizable book collection, and more yarn than she'd care to admit to.
Want to know when Caro’s next book is coming out? Subscribe to her newsletter at CaroKinkead.