Alan Goldhamer, DC is an expert in the use of medically supervised water-only fasting. He has been both the founder and the director of TrueNorth Health Center since 1984 and has supervised the fasting and care of more than 25,000 patients. A frequent lecturer speaking on the use of fasting and diet in the restoration of optimum health, he has also helped author numerous studies and case reports published in peer-reviewed journals. He is the coauthor (with Doug Lisle) of The Pleasure Trap (2003). Visit his website,, for more information. | Toshia Myers, PhD is a research scientist with more than 15 years of experience. As the director of the TrueNorth Health Foundation, she oversees clinical research into the effects of prolonged water-only fasting on human health. Her own healing journey led her to discover the importance of diet and lifestyle in maintaining optimal health and inspired her to become a health coach and yoga teacher to share her insights with others.