The world renowned chef...
In Ocean Sands recovering after a battle with cancer, William Blackwell's under strict orders to rest and heal. But William goes rogue on his first meeting with Stacy Frederick, a newly trained chef, who reignites William's passions. With a new lease on life and hope for the future, William wants to make the most of every minute.
A young widow who needs a fresh start...
Stacy Frederick isn't looking to fall in love again anytime soon. She tries to ignore the attention of William Blackwell, but the handsome celebrity chef has a way of coming to her rescue and making her laugh. Despite William's best intentions, Stacy is determined never to be hurt again.
When William faces a life-threatening problem, will Stacy have the courage to stand by him and take another chance on love?
Exquisite Sand is the fourth full-length contemporary romance in The Ocean Sands series. The books can be read in any order. The others in the series are:
1. Starlit Sand (A Rockstar Romance)
2. Golden Sand (A Billionaire Romance)
3. Midnight Sand (A Billionaire and Baby Romance)
4. Exquisite Sand (A Beach Romance)
C.J. Miller is the author of 20 romance novels, including the Ocean Sands Series.
She lives in Maryland with her husband and their three children. She can often be found with a book in her hand or writing one at her computer.
Join C.J.’s mailing list on her website at for news about her upcoming books. Follow her on Facebook at or on Twitter @cjmillerwrites . Contact C.J. at .