My Brief Life – An Author’s Story.
In America, we are quite obsessed with fame, not just the riches it brings but the popularity and the access to a larger life in the spotlight, where everyone knows our name as well. We believe that celebrities are inherently different from the rest of us. We believe they are immune to insecurities, loneliness, even to the consequences of death. When someone famous dies, we make a celebration out of it, and collectively disbelieve that it has even happened. In many cases, they become even more iconic with a legacy that outshines the one they had while they were among the living. We ignore their multiple cries for help as they overreact, and we dismiss their broken relationships as part of the game and collectively, we do little to nothing to reach the people at the top of their field or those who shine brightest in the public spotlight. Why? Because we have not come to grips with the truth of Jesus’s statement. “What shall it profit a man to gain the world and lose his soul?” We mistakenly think that gaining the world is a viable step in ensuring our eternal destiny, that somehow God will tip the scales and give those who have achieved much on this earth a different measure of judgment on the final day of reckoning.
I never thought I was talented enough to write a book. I had memories of going to the Bay Village Public Library with my mom and carrying out so many books they spilled all over. I have memories of being bored and hiding a book in my textbook reading my way through boring high school and college classes. I liked to write poetry, songs, church plays, and screenplays. I just never thought I could do an entire book until a friend named Etan asked me to finish up a novel he had written. It was that experience of typing correcting, editing adding words that gave me confidence.
There comes a time in the life of every writer where the characters become alive and you sit on the edge of your seat typing away wanting to write the next page, the next chapter so you can find out where who will live and who will die and what they will do. I am comforted by the fact that God wrote a book about me as it states in Psalm 139. So while I am alive I will continue to write stories to inspire both young and old and carry out my appointed destiny.