Investment Leadership & Portfolio Management provides a top down analysis of successful strategies, structures, and actions that create an environment that leads to strong macro investment performance and rewarding investor outcomes. By examining how to manage and lead an investment firm through successful investment decision-making processes and actions, this book reveals what it will take to succeed in a radically changed investment landscape. From firm governance and firm structure-for single capability, multi-capability, and investment and product firms-to culture, strategy, vision, and execution, authors Brian Singer, Barry Mandinach, and Greg Fedorinchik touch upon key topics including the differences between leading and managing; investment philosophy, process, and portfolio construction; communication and transparency; and ethics and integrity.
Understanding how to operate in today's dynamic investment environment is critical. Investment Leadership & Portfolio Management contains the insights and information needed to make significant strides in this dynamic arena.
BRIAN SINGER is Chief Investment Officer of Singer Partners and Chairman of the CFA Institute Board of Governors. Previously, he was head of global investment solutions at UBS Global Asset Management (formerly Brinson Partners, Inc.), responsible for asset allocation and currency strategies. Singer is also Emeritus Board Member of the Research Foundation of CFA Institute and an advisory board member of the Journal of Performance Measurement. He is a recipient of the 1991 Graham and Dodd Award and a 2001 recipient of the Dietz Award. Singer holds an MBA from the University of Chicago.
GREG FEDORINCHIK is head of investor solutions at Mesirow Advanced Strategies, Inc., an institutional fund of hedge funds firm based in Chicago. Prior to joining Mesirow, he was a senior strategist with the global investment solutions team at UBS Global Asset Management (formerly Brinson Partners, Inc.) and a member of the asset allocation and currency committee. Fedorinchik holds an MBA from the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University.