It’s handy when you need a replacement for something lost, broken, or no longer made—like a knob on your stove. You can make things instead of buying them, or solve problems with inventions of your own. The possibilities are endless, and MakerBot is the fun, affordable, and inspiring way to go. Get started with your own little factory today!
Bre Pettis is a founder of Makerbot, a company that produces robots that make things. Bre is also a founder of NYCResistor, a hacker collective in Brooklyn. Besides being a TV host and Video Podcast producer, he's created new media for, hosted Make: Magazine's Weekend Projects podcast, and has been a schoolteacher, artist, and puppeteer. Bre is passionate about invention, innovation, and all things DIY.
Anna Kaziunas France is the Digital Fabrication Editor of Maker Media and the Dean of Students for the Fab Academy program. Formerly she taught the "How to Make (Almost) Anything" rapid prototyping course in digital fabrication at the Providence Fab Academy (at AS220). She is also the co-author of Getting Started with MakerBot and she compiled the Make: 3D Printing book. She loves Providence, Rhode Island and is in the process of scanning and printing it.
Jay Shergill (MakerBlock) is a blogger, maker, and tinkerer who explores 3D printing and design. He's shared his 3D printing knowledge on his own blog, and also posts regularly on the MakerBot blog.