Alaskan author, Bonnye Matthews is the award-winning writer of the Winds of Change series on the peopling of the Americas before the ice age. After five years of intense research, she chose to write from the Pre-Clovis view, as it is supported by recent genetic evidence and new fossil and artifact findings of the last decade or so, plus more than 400 sites in the Americas. Her thirst for knowledge in this area follows the footsteps of Thomas Dillehay, J. M. Adocvasio, and many other archaeologists. She dreams of the day when a Homo erectus specimen has finally donated a viable genetic specimen. The Winds of Change series includes the following books: 1. Ki'ti's Story, 75,000 BC, the thrilling tale of how Neanderthals, Cromagnons, and Homo erectus race to avoid the ashfall from a supervolcano (based on the eruption of Mt. Toba, called Bambas in the novel); 2. Manak-Na's Story, 75,000 BC, the story of a father who travels from China/Mongolia by boat to Mexico and back, seeing people in the Americas; 3. Zamimolo's Story: 50,000 BC, where Zamimolo struggles with the terrifying new environment after migrating from Asia to Central America; 4. Tuksook's Story: 35,000 BC, where The People flee to Alaska to survive a terrible drought; 5. The SealEaters, 20,000 BC, a survival story of the Solutreans in Northern Europe as they face ice from the North and war from the East and South, explore and find a new homeland in the Americas. After winning awards for each of her titles, Bonnye has begun a new series continuing her focus on Pre-Clovis sites in the Americas - this time set in ancient Mexico, and beginning with Freedom, 25,000 BC. Contact Bonnye here: Website: Facebook: Facebook Prehistoric Fiction Writers and Readers Campfire Twitter: @BonnyeMatthews