Bodil Branner is Professor Emerita at the Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby. Her research interests include holomorphic dynamics and complex analysis. She has published in several renowned international journals and given numerous invited talks at conferences, workshops and symposia. Branner has served as Vice-President of the European Mathematical Society, as President of Dansk Matematisk Forening (DMF) and she was one of the founders of European Women in Mathematics. She is an honorary member of DMF and a Fellow of the AMS.
Núria Fagella is currently Associate Professor at Universitat de Barcelona. Her research is in the area of holomorphic dynamics with an emphasis on the iteration of transcendental functions. She publishes in renowned international journals and with a diverse range of collaborators worldwide. Fagella has been invited to deliver talks and short courses at numerous international conferences and workshops, and has been an organiser of several such events.