When her mother needs an operation, Melissa insists on Doctor James Burke.
Burke has the manners of a Neanderthal and the people skills of a rock, but he's a wonderful surgeon.. He's also the instigator of a job action suite that is causing untold stress for Melissa.
Can a doc with no bedside manner and an administrator with a BMW and no clothing sense find common ground? Or romance?
Not without help from an unlikely source.
Bobby Hutchinson loves people who don’t fit society’s definition of normal. She’s a friendly hermit who disproved the belief that you can’t go home again; after innumerable moves, she's back in the place she started, a little coal mining town deep in the Canadian Rockies. She's fascinated by everything medical, and her doctor and nurse friends meticulously check the facts in her Emergency series. The sight of blood makes her faint.
She lives, breathes, reads and writes books, and has written and published over 55, mostly romance, which she needs to learn a lot about; her nieces call her "catch and release" due to her relationship patterns.
She lives alone. She has two of her six brilliant grandchildren living just down the street, and she relies on them for advice on all things electronic. She walks, reads, writes and likes this quote:
“When you change the way you look at a thing, the thing you look at changes.”