Gary D (Unhacker)
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This book answers a question I got from my sister: "Why are you always so excited about evolution?" It's not technical, and might be a subset of any college freshman curriculum. It's not really here to argue the settled matter of evolution as fact, but to show you why it's so dang cool. Because the science derived from the theory of evolution touches almost everything in biology, topics include medicine, agriculture, genetics, exobiology, archaeology, and more. I could compare it to "Greatest Show on Earth", but Nye has a style all his own - you should own both. The audiobook is also read by him, in a very lively performance. IFLS and if you FLS, you will FL this book.
Steve White
Simply a book that everyone should read. No matter where you stand on this issue, it is better to arm yourself with knowledge. And knowledge this book is brimming with. Infectious knowledge. Stemming from the attitude of it's author, it is obvious in the writing and speech of this book. It is a testament to his teaching style and desire to influence others that Mr. Nye was able to keep this book both under a thousand pages and at a level that most anyone can understand. Now there are some parts where the science just simply outruns the ability to make it digestible to the layman. But through examples and anecdotes, we are able to glean the ideology if not the mechanics. While this is a book about evolution, it isn't just about his debate with Creationists. Topics range from race, to human cloning and stem cell research, and genetically modified foods. I was never exposed to Bill Nye: Science Guy while growing up, and my grade school science teachers never had a drop of his enthusiasm. While I'm not going to rush out an grab my Doctorate in Science, I am going to read and explore more of the topics covered in this wonderful overview.
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doo dude
I see all these reviews that claim that Bill Nye is a scientist of some import & that his word on the subject of global warming is beyond reproach. If you do just a tiny bit of research you will find that Bill Nye has a Mechanical Engineering degree. Thats it. This "science guy" routine is just that, a routine. As in a comic routine. Bill Nye used to do standup comedy & his "shtick" was to wear a lab coat & make jokes in the realm of science. He then turned that into a way to make a living by entertaining children with wild, slapstick science routines. A nice way to bring children to science & create an interest for the young mind & a thoroughly decent & commendable thing to do. However, Bill Nye has no scientific credentials whatsoever, besides being a comedian in a lab coat, and has never contributed any research to the scientific community! But dont take my word for it. Do your own homework & discover the truth about Old Scientist Bill. A simple google search will tell you everything you need to know about Mr. Science. The only thing "Undeniable" about Bill Nye is that he is a fraud with no standing.
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