Between the Lines: Volume 1

· Between the Lines Libri 1 · Tammara Webber
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Reid Alexander is used to getting what he wants—and what he wants next is his newest costar, Emma Pierce. The universe is lining up nicely to grant his wish, until he's confronted with two unexpected obstacles on location: a bitter ex-girlfriend and a rival for Emma's affections.

Emma Pierce just got her big break after years of filming commercials and made-for-TV movies. Winning the lead role in a wide-release film—opposite the very hot Reid Alexander—should be a dream come true. But Emma's heart is hiding a secret fantasy: she wants to be a normal girl.

Book 1 of 4 in the Between the Lines series

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Tammara Webber is the author of multiple contemporary romance novels. Her fourth, Easy, book one of the Contours of the Heart® series, spent nine weeks on the New York Times Bestseller list and has been translated into over two dozen languages. Born and raised in Texas, she’s a Gen-Xer, a mother of three delightful adults, a feminist, and a hopeful romantic who’s fueled by coffee, a supportive spouse, and a never-ending feeling that she’s forgotten something.

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