Kentaro Miura created his first manga, Miuranger, at age 10, drawing the series for an audience of his classmates; by high school he had moved into JapanтАЩs dynamic self-publishing (doujinshi) scene. Futanabi, a manga Miura had submitted for admission to art school, was nominated for Best New Author Work in KodanshaтАЩs Weekly Shonen Magazine (today the home of Blue Lock and Rent-A-Girlfriend). In 1989, Miura began the dark fantasy manga series Berserk, his lifeтАЩs work, with the Japanese publisher Hakusensha. Adapted into three anime TV series and a series of films, Berserk has sold approximately 60 million copies worldwide. Miura-sensei passed away suddenly in 2021 at the age of 54, leaving a legacy of epic storytelling, and a readership that only continues to grow.
Koji Mori was best friends and an artistic collaborator with Kentaro Miura since they met at age 15 as aspiring manga creators; in high school the pair even attempted to break into the industry together, with a co-authored manga submitted to Weekly Shonen Sunday magazine. MoriтАЩs first major manga work made its debut in 2000, the 18-volume Holyland, later adapted into live-action TV shows in both Japan and Korea. In a 2016 interview published by Crunchyroll, Miura commented that the Guts/Griffith dynamic of Berserk was inspired by his relationship with Mori, тАЬbut sometimes I would be Guts, and sometimes I would be Griffith.тАЭ Following MiuraтАЩs passing in 2021, Mori remarked to The Asahi Shimbun that he would supervise the continuation of Berserk based upon his remembered conversations with Miura on his plans for the mangaтАЩs future direction: тАЬI tried to recall every detail to tell the story. And I am only doing episodes Miura told me about. In terms of dialogue, I am only telling the story as Miura related it to me. Naturally, it will be incomplete. But I think I can tell the story almost in the way that Miura wanted.тАЭ
Studio Gaga is the team of assistants with whom Kentaro Miura worked to create Berserk; the studio currently consists of Kurosaki, Akio Miyaji, Nobuhiro Hirai, Naohide Nagashima, Hideaki Sugimoto, Shunki Fujimoto, and Takumi Yamamoto. With the passing of Miura-sensei in 2021, Studio Gaga is carrying on the story and art of the Berserk saga under the supervision of Koji Mori. In a 2023 interview with major Japanese newspaper The Asahi Shimbun, Mori remarked that while he gives advice on drafts during the process of making Berserk, the final drawings are the work of Studio Gaga. тАЬKurosaki, the chief of Studio Gaga, has extraordinary drawing skill, as does the rest of their staff. I believe that after they complete Berserk, they will become famous in the manga world.тАЭ