Mel has her own secret mission—finding the leak that is putting every agent’s life at risk. Willing to do whatever necessary to accomplish her assignment, Mel’s suspicions have settled squarely on Nikki and her team. Could Nikki possibly be the leak that Mel is determined to find and bring to justice?
Completely dedicated to their individual missions, the lives of both women become tangled as personal and professional lines begin to blur. With the danger so real and the stakes so high, they risk it all in search of the truth—not quite knowing where their safety truly lies.
Becky Harmon was born and raised just south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Though she considers herself to be a Northerner, she moved south in search of warmth. Romance has always been her first love and when she’s not writing it, she’s reading it. Her first book, Tangled Mark, was released by Bella Books in 2016.