This book will show you how to use the Bash command-line interface and how to employ Bash's programming abilities. Complete examples illustrate each aspect with colorized source code and full-color screenshots depict the actual output.
Bash in easy steps begins by demonstrating Bash commands for system navigation and file manipulation so you will quickly become familiar with the command-line interface. It explains all the BASH basics before moving on to describe advanced features such as command history, command-line editing, and environment customization. The book then introduces Bash programming with examples of flow control, command switches, input/output, and debugging - allowing you to create your own executable programs by copying the examples.
Bash in easy steps has an easy-to-follow style that will appeal to:
· Users who are completely new to Unix-based operating systems
· Casual users who wish to expand their knowledge of their computer system
· Those who would like to learn coding skills by writing useful shell scripts
· The student who is studying programming at school or college
· Those seeking a career in computing and need a fundamental understanding of the BASH interpreter on Unix-based operating systems
Table of Contents:
Getting Started Managing Files Handling Text Editing Commands Customizing Environment Controlling Behavior Performing Operations Directing Flow Employing Functions Handy Reference
Mike McGrath now lives in South-east Europe, on the sun-kissed shores of the Aegean Sea. Mike gained his extensive knowledge of computer languages while working as a developer contracting to companies around the world. His interests include coins of ancient Greece, dining-out with friends, and the ongoing evolution of the world wide web. Mike is an established In Easy Steps author.