You have your own unique magical fable. Your fable is the same as your destiny, higher calling, natural talent, unique gift, or any other inspirational words you prefer to call it.
The magic is in you, not in the terminology.
You are here because:
Your magic is calling for you as much as you are calling for it
You intuition has told you that something amazing is about to begin
You want to set yourself free of the drudgery of everyday life or other negative influences
You have been magnetized by the energy of this guidebook
You know that you are part of something immense, but you are not sure what that is
You have a hectic life, therefore you want focused easy to follow guidance
You are ready for a new adventure
Included within this guidebook are thirty life changing easy to follow experiences. Each experience allows you to connect with your magical fable in the comfort of your own home.
Simply follow the guidance of this book to start this amazing journey.
Once you embark on this incredible adventure, the magic never ends!