Avik Roy is a senior fellow at the Manhattan Institute. In 2012, Roy served as a health care policy adviser to Mitt Romney. He is editor and principal author of The Apothecary, the influential Forbes blog on health care policy and entitlement reform. MSNBC's Chris Hayes calls The Apothecary "one of the best takes from conservatives on that set of issues." Ezra Klein of the Washington Post calls The Apothecary one of the few "blogs I disagree with [that] I check daily."
In addition, Roy writes a column for National Review Online on politics and policy. He is a frequent guest on television news programs, including appearances on Fox News, Fox Business, MSNBC, CNBC, Bloomberg, PBS, and HBO. His work has also appeared in The Atlantic, USA Today, National Affairs, and The American Spectator, among other publications.
He was born and raised near Detroit, Michigan, and graduated from high school in San Antonio, Texas. Today, Roy lives in lower Manhattan.