Jane Grossman was a cofounder of the Traveller's Choice Bookstore in New York before moving to Boston.
Robert Katz is the author of twelve previous books, includinRobert Katz is the author of twelve previous books, including the international bestseller "Death in Rome." His writing g the international bestseller "Death in Rome." His writing has appeared in numerous publications, including "The New Yohas appeared in numerous publications, including "The New York Times, The Washington Post, Esquire, " and "Military Histrk Times, The Washington Post, Esquire, " and "Military History Quarterly." A fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundaory Quarterly." A fellow of the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation and a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and tion and a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, he lived in Rome for nearly twenty years and now lSciences, he lived in Rome for nearly twenty years and now lives in Tuscany in Italy. ives in Tuscany in Italy.