Tamil Hymns was created with the sole objective to collect the works of Tamil hymns from various sources and compile them into an eBook to enable the use of digital technologies in the worship of God. We have curated nearly 2000+ hymns (Tamil Christian Songs Lyrics) and have published them in easily usable formats in any devices, any where. Our eBooks are mobile devices friendly, tablet devices friendly, projection systems friendly and work in various types of devices. Tamil Hymns is completely supported by Ophel Computing for technological capabilities. Simply visit TamilHymns.com and download your free copy of Tamil Hymns eBook PDF now.
Tamil Hymns eBook is available for free and in open formats such as PDF, ePUB, MOBI, Amazon Kindle and Google Play Android Book-as-an-App.
Tamil Hymns is also provided as a printed and bound book upon request.
We thank all the Tamil writers who have composed the various Tamil hymns.