America is falling, and may not be here without change, as we know it, in our life time, just as the U.S.S.R. suddenly fell in the 1990's, ruining that Super Power and ending the cold war, with hundreds of thousands of refugees having to flee Russia. With reports of human meat being sold as the currency rubble] became worthless, as the U.S.S.R broke up into 15 independent States, unexpectedly, shocking the world. Indicative of the fact that it will happen to America, as banks made sub-prime loans to rape the housing industry and consumers with credit cards. And the manufacturing base being traded bit by bit, liquidating assets for cash, selling out the U.S. Preparing for the collapse of the U.S dollar, and the fall of the U.S. With the U.S. borrowing billions to fund tax cuts for the rich. Are we truly living in the last days of America, as a Super Power? All States without exception, have come to an end, as a historical norm. America is not mentioned in any Jewish, Christian, or Islamic, scriptures. Thus, it will not be here as we know it, in the end. But this is not a religious writing. Oil is only the first commodity to be affected with housing, money, food, loans and soon jobs following. Like China, and the EU, we need to stop the hording of so much money in the hands of so few. The gold standard is not the bases for our money since 1975. Meaning that paper and plastic have no intrinsic worth. If history repeats itself, and it does, we may have multiple civil wars, with Hawaii declaring independence in April as a protest over how the economy has been managed. With each State having its own National guard, and gangs and militia's, and KKK, armed to the teeth, we will start to hear phrases like who will pay for this and that debt. With maybe as many as ten different presidents, as the U.S. brakes up. Rumors of war. We, the people, must demand a marshal plan for America, and not Europe, Japan, S. Korea, etc., and now maybe Iraq. All of us in America need to have access to the money we need, at low or no cost to save America, and optimize the multiplier effect: but it has to be spent in the U.S., to make America strong. Thus, we need to stop the banks and utility companies, etc. from hording. It is insanity to have multibillionaires, as they cannot spend these sums. We can re-order the economy or others will do it for us. This book will attempt to answer the question on how to stop such a fall, into a dark age. And instead have cooperation, and justice between all men and countries; Stopping this horrible cycle of systematic retardation of Mankind. America is the last best hope for Mankind, as America has polluted and consumed too much of this planet's resources becoming the Super Power it is, to have a new emerging Super Power, doing the same.