This work has been composed at the instance of a venerable prelate. The greater, part of what it contains has been extracted from two works, written in Italian, on the great saint, of whom it is a panegyric. These two works were submitted to the ecclesiastical anthority before publication; and that one, of which I have principally made use, bears upon it the permission to publish, of the holy office, under date of December 12, 1833. The other, of which the first is but an abridgment, contains this passage: “The name of St. Philomena is sounded everywhere with glory; devotion to her wins the hearts of all. Bishops, archbishops, princes of the Church, * the old, the young, all, even disbelievers, and the very impious, whose eyes are opened by the works of Thaumaturga, are anxious to render her homage.
Aeterna Press