A family struggles to survive bereavement, bombing and bitter rivalry...
Love is Blind is a gripping wartime saga from much-loved author Anne Baker, which follows a family's path through heartache and war. Perfect for fans of Katie Flynn and Sheila Newberry.
Patsy Rushton's brother Barney doesn't know the meaning of hard work, so when their father tragically dies, Patsy has no choice but to save the family's business. Meanwhile, Barney has got his girlfriend pregnant and, feeling trapped, he abandons her and leaves Merseyside altogether. But trouble follows Barney wherever he goes and when he learns of his sister's growing success, he can't help feeling resentful. Why is their mother, Beatrice, so quick to forgive him? Surely, she can't be blind to his faults? As Patsy is to discover, there's something else about Barney that is frightening her mother so much she has never dared to speak of it before.
What readers are saying about Love is Blind:
'Very good, easy read. The twists and turns in the plot kept the intrigue alive. I would recommend to anyone'
'Engaging characters and a gripping war time story. A good insight into life during the war. Can't wait to read another of Anne Baker's books'