Over the course of this book, I will guide you through how to do this on your own. To this end, I will first give you some examples of dreams that signal the development of the most common ailments, and I will then take you on a journey inside the body through further examples of dreams related to our inner “landscapes”. Indeed, the inner body is a world unto itself, and you will see how your dreams can reveal it to you. In the third part of this book, I will explain how you can induce dreams to answer questions about your health. People did so in ancient temples, especially in Egypt, Greece and Rome, through a practice known as dream incubation. It can also be done from the safety of your own home, and you need only know how to proceed. We will move on to the presentation of some simple “self-hypnosis dream techniques,” intended to influence your subconscious mind positively so that it boosts, when needed or as a preventative, your vitality and healing forces. I will conclude with tips for observing your dreams efficiently.