Andrew Guardamano is a Filipino-Canadian author currently living in Edmonton, Canada. The son of Laudimer and Rose Guardamano and older brother to Andromeda Guardamano, he immigrated to Canada with his family at the age of eleven from Bacolod City, Philippines in 1998. Andrew attended and graduated from the University of Alberta in Edmonton, earning a degree in Biological Sciences with a minor in Psychology. His true passion lies in the world of writing and the art of immortalizing his imagination on paper and other mediums. Blood of Immortality is Andrew's first full-length novel and published work. The story of Hunter owes much of its roots to the endless folklores and legends passed down from his grandfather. These age-old stories continue to be the most powerful sources of his inspiration. His natural passion and curiosity for creating worlds never before imagined is what drives him to continue in his life-long journey of writing.