This volume advances the question as to what Asia is, and as to whether there existed one or many Asia(s). It seeks to explore Asian societies as interconnected formations through trajectories/networks of circulation of people, ideas, and objects in the longue durée. Moving beyond the divides of Area Studies scholarship and the arbitrary borders set by late colonial empires and the rise of post-colonial nation-states, this volume maps critically the configuration of contact zones in which mobile bodies, minds, and cultures interact to foster new images, identities, and imaginations of Asia.
Andrea Acri is Maître de conférences (Assistant Professor) in Tantric Studies at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (EPHE, PSL University, Paris) since 2016.
Kashshaf Ghani is Assistant Professor at the School of Historical Studies, Nalanda University, India.
Murari Kumar Jha is Visiting Fellow at the Weatherhead Centre for International Affairs, Harvard University (2018–19).
Sraman Mukherjee is Assistant Professor in the Department of Visual Arts at Ashoka University, India.