Amirhomayoon Shirani serves as the Vice President at Wish Work. His portfolio includes successful contributions to various projects, notably Spash—an innovative endeavor that transforms co-working spaces through software solutions developed by the Wish Work team.
Amirhosein Shirani serves as the Founder and CEO at Wish Work. His extensive contributions span numerous open-source projects, including Lang Chain. Additionally, he has played a pivotal role in several successful businesses. His book, ‘Figure it Right,’ is tailored for young entrepreneurs operating in regions where resources are not boundless.
Hosein Manteghi holds the position of Team Lead at Wish Work, where he serves as the technical executive.
Tara Zanjanchi serves as the Visual Designer and Brand Director at Wish Work. Her contributions span numerous successful art directions, with some of his work featured in renowned communities where it garnered significant attention.
Wish Work is a technology partner company helping brands transcend with design and technology.