Embarking on a daring escape from an unwanted fate, Miss Emma Baxter unexpectedly finds refuge in the carriage of the Duke of Radcliffe, Aaron St. John. As the bonds between them grow stronger, Emma grapples with newfound dangers – the undeniable connection she shares with the dashing and honorable duke.
Aaron is drawn into Emma's spirited world, her presence infusing his home with laughter and affection. Yet, their blossoming love is tested by the stark reality of their disparate lives. Emma, the charming commoner, and Aaron, the esteemed Duke, must navigate societal norms and personal challenges to determine if their love can withstand the scrutiny of their world.
With laughter, love, and unforeseen trials at every turn, can the Duke of Radcliffe and his audacious companion, Miss Emma Baxter, carve a path to a future where fairytales transcend the boundaries of their reality?
Find enchantment and passion in the pages of Delighted by the Duke, the spellbinding conclusion to the Fabled Love fairytale regency romance series.
USA Today Bestselling author Amanda Mariel dreams of days gone by when life moved at a slower pace. She enjoys taking pen to paper and exploring historical time periods through her imagination and the written word. When she is not writing she can be found reading, crocheting, traveling, practicing her photography skills, or spending time with her family.