Alumni: Resolutions

· Hiding Behind The Couch Buch 19 · Beaten Track Publishing
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Über dieses E-Book

Mysterious happenings are mounting up for Josh, Sean and their estranged alumni.

Despite two decades of friendship and their grand plans to open a private psychotherapy centre, neither man confides in the other. That is, until news reaches them both, via different avenues, that their experiences are but part of a bizarre cluster of unexplained phenomena, for which there is only one common denominator.

Whether real or the product of overwrought imaginations, they must lay to rest the spectre of a once-beloved friend…or admit defeat and crawl back under the safe, weighty stones of the jobs and relationships they’ve left behind.


Alumni: Resolutions is part two of a two-part story; the first part (which should be read first) is Alumni: Reverberations. Also available in one volume under the title Reverberations.

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