ALLISON AREVALO was born into a food-loving Italian family in New York, where she helped her great-grandmother cook Sunday family dinners and learned the basics of cooking. Allison pursued a career in marketing before deciding to follow her true passion in life: food. In 2008, Allison and her husband quit their jobs and moved to Oakland, CA, in hopes of opening a restaurant. Their dream came true in 2010, the year she and Erin opened the doors to Homeroom.
ERIN WADE is a chef-turned-attorney-turned-chef-again. Erin’s love for cooking was sparked by her father’s homemade mac and cheese and her mother’s vast cookbook collection. Erin worked as a line cook and in pastry at restaurants in New York before attending law school at Berkeley. After practicing law for a year, Erin came to her senses and decided to return to her love of cooking by opening Homeroom with Allison. She lives in Oakland with her husband, Uri, and her daughter, Ellie—her favorite cooking partners.