In this surprising work of modern American literature, like a shimmering, wild creek under the full moonlight, the vein of poetry taps into the inexhaustible resources and riches of the land, and runs with inspiration and wisdom.
Alessandro Baruffi (b. 1973) is a writer, poet, and academic researcher in the fields of American, Germanic, and Russian literature. Beyond the literary realm, he is an outdoor enthusiast, a lover of nature, and an advocate of healthy lifestyle and plant-based nutrition.
His published works include: "Adua Mar" (2000, Poems), "Icarus" (2006,Poems), "Jersey Blues" (2007, Poems), "24 Racconti" (2008, ShortStories), "The Poems of Trieste and Five Poems for the Game of Soccer"(2013, Translation, Umberto Saba), "Lunga è la Notte" (2015, Novel),"The Forgotten amongst the Great: a Collection of the Best PoemsTranslated in English" (2015, Translation, Vincenzo Cardarelli), "TheTales of Franz Kafka" (2016, Translation, Franz Kafka), "Le Poesie diRobert Frost nella Traduzione Italiana" (2016, Translation, RobertFrost), "Midnight 30, American Poems" (2016, Poems), "The Poems ofGiovanni Pascoli (2017, Translation, Giovanni Pascoli), "Montale'sEssential: The Poems of Eugenio Montale in English" (2017, Translation,Eugenio Montale), "Giuseppe Ungaretti, the Master of Hermeticism,Translated In English" (2018, Translation, Giuseppe Ungaretti),"Gabriele D'Annunzio: The Collection of Poems in English" (2019,Translation, Gabriele D'Annunzio), and "Umberto Saba: the Collection ofPoems. Umberto Saba's Poetry Translated in English" (2020, Translation,Umberto Saba).
He has translated for international literary magazines authors such including: Franz Kafka, Robert Frost, EdgarAllan Poe, Emily Dickinson, Seamus Heaney, Antônio Álvares de Azevedo, Fernando Pessoa, Carlos Drummond de Andrade, Alfonsina Storni, Mikhail Lermontov, Nikolai Vasilievich Gogol, Marina Tsvetaeva, Konstantin Simonov, Umberto Saba, Vincenzo Cardarelli, Giovanni Pascoli, Gabriele D'Annunzio, Eugenio Montale, Giosuè Carducci, and Ada Negri.