Dr. Ajeet Kaushik is Associate Professor at the NanoBioTech Laboratory, Department of Environmental Engineering, Florida Polytechnic University, USA. He is the recipient of various reputed awards for his service in the area of nano-biotechnology for health care. He has edited seven books, written more than 100 international research peer reviewed publications, and has three patents in the area of nanomedicine and smart biosensors for personalized health care. In the course of his research, Dr. Kaushik has been engaged in the design and development of various electro-active nanostructures for electrochemical biosensor and nanomedicine for health care. His research interests include nanobiotechnology, analytical systems, design and develop nanostructures, nano-carries for drug delivery, nano-therapeutics for CNS diseases, on-demand site-specific release of therapeutic agents, exploring personalized nanomedicines, biosensors, point-of-care sensing devices, and related areas of health care monitoring.
Dr. Sandeep Kumar is a researcher of international recognition and has received his PhD degree from Panjab University, Chandigarh. His current research interest includes synthesis and characterization of nanomaterials, nano-carriers for healthcare applications; nanomaterials based sensors, biomaterials and nanotoxicity. Dr. Kumar has published more than 150 research papers in international journals of repute and also has patents to his credit. Dr. Kumar has international and national sponsored research projects from numerous funding agencies. Dr. Kumar has been rewarded with “Haryana Yuva Vigyan Ratna Award and “Water Advanced Research and Innovation Fellow for undertaking research work at University of Nebraska, Lincoln, USA. Dr. Kumar visited Hanyang University, Seoul, South Korea; University of Florence, Italy as a visiting Professor and also Australia, UK, Scotland, Germany, Spain, France, Belgium etc under different supporting schemes of Govt of India.
Dr G R Chaudhary is currently working as Professor at Department of Chemistry, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Dr Chaudhary has focused his research for the past 15 years in emerging research areas of green technologies, novel healthcare formulations, catalysis, nanomaterials-based sensors, molecular recognition/reorganizational behavior and emerging materials for biological applications. The work carried out by Dr Chaudhary in above areas has been published in numerous reputed international journals having high impact factor. Dr Chaudhary is well connected to international research groups with similar research interests.