I was born in a small village of Nagla Kare in Agra into a religious peasant family. I was raised by my father and grandparents after my mother died in my childhood. My grandfather was the most respected and honourable persona of my village. He loved me the most. After the death of my grandparents, I was selected in the Central Police Force. I got married only a year after joining. And today I have two children. I wanted to write from school time itself. But I lived in the present and enjoyed the same life and ups and downs of life. I knew that a uniformed soldier could become a writer anytime. But a writer cannot serve the country by wearing uniform whenever he wants. Therefore, while living in many places in India, I also served the country and enjoyed its pride and immense joy. I am not an experienced writer. I am currently a writing boy in the writing field. But in the Corona period, I started writing in my spare time. I started writing from the two original mantras of Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi Ji, first is to make a disaster as an opportunity and the other is considering the vocal from local, I have always thought to write in my mother tongue in Hindi. Jai Hind with these words. Thank you.