Dr. Ahmad Vasel-Be-Hagh is an Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Tennessee Technological University. His research interests are wind and solar energy conversion and storage as well as experimental, theoretical, and computational fluid dynamics. Prior to joining Tennessee Tech, he was a Postdoctoral Researcher at University of Delaware for two years, where he conducted research on optimization of utility-scale wind farms and potential impacts of the wake of wind turbines on the surface fluxes. He received his Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from University of Windsor, while receiving the prestigious Ontario Trillium Scholarship from the government of Ontario for four consecutive years. His Ph.D. research was focused on studying the hydrodynamics of underwater compressed air energy storage plants. He has published his research in several conference proceedings, book chapters, and scientific journals including Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Physical Review E, Computers & Fluids, Energy Conversion and Management, and Applied Energy.
David S-K. Ting worked on Combustion and Turbulence (Premixed Turbulent Flame Propagation) during his graduate years. He then ventured into Convection Heat Transfer and Fluid-Structure Interactions prior to joining University of Windsor. Professor Ting is the founder of the Turbulence & Energy Laboratory. Dr. Ting supervises students on a wide range of research projects primarily in the Energy Conservation and Renewable Energy areas. To date, he has co/supervised over sixty graduate students and co-authored more than one hundred and ten journal papers.