The 2nd International Conference on Magnetism and Its Applications (ICMIA) was organised by the Indonesian Magnetic Society (IMS) and held on June 2-3, 2022, in Prime Plaza Hotel Sanur, Bali, Indonesia. ICMIA is an extension of a long history of magnetic meetings in Indonesia, namely Seminar Bahan Magnet (SMM) or Magnetic Materials Seminar. The last SMM was the 9th meeting held in 2015 in Palembang, organised by the Indonesian Magnetic Club and hosted by the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) – Sriwijaya University. The ICMIA in 2019 was the first international conference organized by IMS and the Department of Physics – Universitas Sebelas Maret Surakarta. The IMS as a form of legal professional organization of the Indonesian Magnetic Club was established in 2018. The conference aims to facilitate an exchange of information to get acquainted and strengthen collaboration among participants. The conference was attended by invited speakers competent in their fields to present the current leading issues on magnetism and its applications. The main concern was that during the pandemic, the conference should follow the public health guideline and apply the bubble system.