Spore Magazine 187: Agribusiness Leaders - Women Driving Agricultural Innovation
Innovative businesswomen from across the ACP are joining international agricultural markets as they strive to overcome gender inequalities and achieve sustainable success in the sector.
SPORE is the quarterly magazine of the Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (CTA), offering a global perspective on agribusiness and sustainable agriculture. CTA operates under the Cotonou Agreement between the countries of the Africa, Caribbean and Pacific (ACP) group and the European Union and is financed by the EU.
O Alawode (Nigeria), J Bodichon (France), I Boto (CTA), H Castell (UK), B Chรขtel (France), V Defait (India), S Diarra (Mali), S Dido (CTA), N Dookie (Trinidad and Tobago), O Frost (UK), S Glaser (USA), A Gross (UK), A Guillame-Gentil (France), D Juchault (France), J Karuga (Kenya), W Levy (Australia), S Lynch (UK), C Mkoka (Malawi), M Makoni (South Africa), D Manley (France), T Mukeredzi (Zimbabwe), E Ntungwe Ngalame (Cameroon), G Rambaldi (CTA), S Reeve (UK), B Rioba (Kenya), R Vaz da Silva (Portugal), E Wuilbercq (Ethiopia)