Chennupati Jagadish is an Australian Laureate Fellow and Distinguished Professor at Research School of Physics and Engineering at the Australian National University, Canberra. He published more than 800 papers (530 journal papers) and edited many books, chaired many conferences and served many professional societies e.g. President of IEEE Nanotechnology Council; Vice-President, IEEE Photonics Society, Vice-President and Secretary Physical Sciences, Australian Academy of Science. He won many awards, e.g. Peter Baume Award, Boas Medal, IEEE Third Millennium Medal, Distinguished Lecturer Awards from IEEE Photonics Society, IEEE Electron Devices Society and IEEE Nanotechnology Council, Electronics and Photonics Division Award from Electrochemical Society, Distinguished Service Awards from IEEE Nanotechnology Council and IEEE Photonics Society. His research interests are in compound semiconductor optoelectronics and nanotechnology. He has trained more than 45 PhD students and about 50 post-doctoral and research fellows. He holds honorary appointments at UESTC, Chengdu, Tokyo University, Nanjing University and Anna University. He has collaborated and co-authored papers with scientists from 25 countries. He serves as an Editor of 3 book series and 7 journals and a member of editorial boards of 17 journals.