This is an open access book. Socio-culturally, people in the Southeast Asian region have a heterogeneous composition. This diversity can be seen from the large number of ethnic compositions that inhabit the region. For example, in Indonesia, there are already various ethnic groups, not yet to mention in other regions such as Malaysia, Philippine, and others. The diversity of these ethnic groups is directly proportional to the variety of languages that exist in Southeast Asia. Similarly with the languages, the culture in these ethnic groups is definitely diverse. Interestingly, this diversity is constantly changing, keeping up with the global changes. These changes are important to study, in order to get an overview of the socio-cultural changes and continuity that currently exist in the Southeast Asian region.
The various changes and continuity that occur historically, geographically, and socio-culturally mentioned above, will also have various impacts on the educational aspect. Therefore, it is also pivotal to examine the various change and continuity that occur in the field of education of Southeast Asia. This is because the field of education will determine where Southeast Asia will be taken in the future.