Jing Zhang is an associate professor of mechanical and energy engineering at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis, USA. His recent research interests include (1) developing new extrusion based novel AM processes for metallic and ceramic materials, (2) understanding the process-property-performance relationship in AM components, and (3) developing multi-scale multi-physics AM process models. Dr. Zhang is the editor-in-chief of International Journal of Additive Manufacturing (Taylor & Francis Group). He is also the co-chair of the AMSC Post-Processing Working Group, formed by America Makes & ANSI Additive Manufacturing Standardization Collaborative (AMSC). For the past several years he has served as a lead organizer of several symposia on additive manufacturing for both ASM and TMS.
Dr. Yeon-Gil Jung is a professor of Materials Science and Engineering at Changwon National University, Republic of Korea. He received his B.S, M.S, and Ph.D. degrees from Hanyang University, Republic of Korea. After that, he studied material property evaluation using Hertzian Indentation at NIST (National Institute Standard and Technology) with Dr. Brian Lawn during 1997-1999. He joined Changwon National University in 1999. He has been a visiting scholar and research professor 2013 - 2017 at Indiana University - Purdue University Indianapolis.