Chapter Overviews:
1: Abstentionism – Introduces the origins and significance of abstentionism in Irish republicanism.
2: Second Dáil – Examines how abstentionism influenced the Second Dáil's creation.
3: 1st Dáil Members – Focuses on Sinn Féin's first abstentionist representatives.
4: Irish Republican Legitimism – Explores abstentionism's role in the pursuit of Irish independence.
5: Northern Ireland Politics – Looks at abstentionism’s impact on Northern Ireland’s political scene.
6: Opposition Leader (NI) – Investigates abstentionism's effect on leadership in Northern Ireland.
7: 2010 UK General Election (NI) – Analyzes how abstentionism shaped the election’s outcome.
8: 2005 UK General Election (NI) – Reviews earlier elections tied to Sinn Féin's abstentionist stance.
9: 2017 NI Assembly Election – Discusses abstentionism's influence in the pivotal 2017 election.
10: 2017 UK General Election (NI) – Examines the abstentionist role in another key election.
11: Sinn Féin – Traces Sinn Féin’s evolution and their parliamentary abstention strategy.
12: SDLP – Compares the SDLP’s representation strategy with Sinn Féin’s abstentionism.
13: Gerry Fitt – Focuses on SDLP founder Gerry Fitt's opposition to abstentionism.
14: Republican Sinn Féin – Discusses Republican Sinn Féin’s hardline abstentionist stance.
15: South Down Constituency – Looks at South Down’s abstentionist electoral history.
16: Alasdair McDonnell – Profiles the SDLP politician who opposed Sinn Féin's abstentionism.
17: Sinn Féin History – Reviews Sinn Féin’s history, emphasizing the abstentionist identity.
18: Cahir Healy – Chronicles the abstentionist influence of Sinn Féin's Cahir Healy.
19: December 1910 UK General Election (Ireland) – Examines this election’s role in Sinn Féin’s rise.
20: 2019 UK General Election (NI) – Highlights the most recent election’s effect on abstentionism.
21: Next NI Assembly Election – Looks ahead to how abstentionism may evolve in future elections.